Nowadays, in Chilean education we have an unequal educational opportunity, people don’t have the same opportunity when they choose a school, it depends of how much money do you have for pay a good school, especially in santiago exists a big difference in the quality of the schools. In our country, the English language is taught in 5th grade and children start learning English when they are 10 years old, and they don’t learn very well the language, it isn’t enough because in the adolescence is much more difficult learn a language than in the childhood, but in some schools the English is learned from nursery school.
But at this time, Chilean Education is better than before and it provides incentives to encourage as improving teacher preparation.
Teachers are very important characters in the Education system and they don’t only teach and create knowledge to students, also they are psychologists, they are most part of the time with the students for that reason, teachers have to know how the students are learning everyday, how are their relationship with their classmates or which student has a low self-esteem.
Also the most obvious characteristic that educators present to the students is in the area of body language and facial expression, the factor “body language is very common in schools.
In the future, teachers are going to have much more roles because of all problems that schools are facing today are certainly connected to the problems that are society faces, including drugs, violence and the changing of our family structure. The use of drugs in the general population has become a very serious problem in the society and within the school system; even recently there has been an increase in alcohol abuse among teenagers. Also the violence is other serious problem within schools, here appears “bullying”, a word very common in the students and an issue very worrying on the minds of educators.
If you want to be a teacher nowadays, you have to have many qualities, because teachers have many roles within a school, they are the second students’ parents , they are worry about students’ behaviors, values, knowledge, etc. and even about themselves, their own teaching methods to be able to recognize, and change, the way they present themselves to the entire class, teachers have to be able to know; what we are doing, and how we are doing it, at different times in the day is crucial to the area we present to the students.
I want to teach, I think that this profession especially English teacher is very important for the future, the English nowadays is necessary for new jobs and also many people study English language because of they like this language, and also I like the idea to teach other people and give them all knowledge about English that I know, I have the vocation.
But at this time, Chilean Education is better than before and it provides incentives to encourage as improving teacher preparation.
Teachers are very important characters in the Education system and they don’t only teach and create knowledge to students, also they are psychologists, they are most part of the time with the students for that reason, teachers have to know how the students are learning everyday, how are their relationship with their classmates or which student has a low self-esteem.
Also the most obvious characteristic that educators present to the students is in the area of body language and facial expression, the factor “body language is very common in schools.
In the future, teachers are going to have much more roles because of all problems that schools are facing today are certainly connected to the problems that are society faces, including drugs, violence and the changing of our family structure. The use of drugs in the general population has become a very serious problem in the society and within the school system; even recently there has been an increase in alcohol abuse among teenagers. Also the violence is other serious problem within schools, here appears “bullying”, a word very common in the students and an issue very worrying on the minds of educators.
If you want to be a teacher nowadays, you have to have many qualities, because teachers have many roles within a school, they are the second students’ parents , they are worry about students’ behaviors, values, knowledge, etc. and even about themselves, their own teaching methods to be able to recognize, and change, the way they present themselves to the entire class, teachers have to be able to know; what we are doing, and how we are doing it, at different times in the day is crucial to the area we present to the students.
I want to teach, I think that this profession especially English teacher is very important for the future, the English nowadays is necessary for new jobs and also many people study English language because of they like this language, and also I like the idea to teach other people and give them all knowledge about English that I know, I have the vocation.